A complete rejuvenation program
About Chāndrayanam
The cycle of the new moon is represented by Yavam or Harley. The Chandrayanam practices in this cycle commence with fasting and progressively escalating the amount of food until the 15th day, when 15 morsels of food are ingested. Subsequently, the quantity is gradually decreased until the last day, which entails another period of fasting.
The yagis who engage in this rigorous practice would dedicate their time to jappu, dhyana, and meditation indefinitely.
In Hatha Vidyu, we have derived inspiration from this remarkable ancient practice and adapted it to align with the demands of the contemporary era. The contemporary individual, Pracy, moves swiftly throughout the day with minimal authority over their surroundings or way of life. The curriculum includes asanas, pranayama, and cleansing processes that are customized to suit individual needs and adapted to their present lifestyle. The recommended food is also based on one's dietary habits, caloric needs, and Mitahara.
There are two ways of practicing Chandrayanam.
Pipeelika (Ant) - The cycle goes between the Full Moon – New Moon – (ends with the next) Full Moon.
Yavam (Barley) - The cycle goes between the New Moon – Full Moon – (ends with the next) New Moon