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Yoga For Children

Hatha Vidya designed specifically for children.

When it comes to the education that one receives in yoga, the same principle applies as it does to the foundation that one's early education serves as for the rest of their life. Because of the fact that children have innate instincts, yoga is simple for them to comprehend. Through the practice of yoga, children can develop a sense of responsibility, physical strength, and balance. Yoga is best introduced to children at a young age because it is most effective in fostering these qualities. The goal of our Kids Yoga classes, which are geared specifically toward children between the ages of 5 and 13, is to assist them in the process of cultivating a consistent practice that will eventually become an essential component of their way of life. Every child in our class receives individualized attention that is tailored to their specific capabilities because we use a traditional individualized approach. This technique ensures that every child receives the attention they deserve.

Yoga for children

Benefits of Yoga for Children

Once children take part in our Kids Yoga classes, they have the opportunity to be motivated to realize and be inspired to reach their full potential. The cultivation of strength, equilibrium, and adaptability from an early stage onward is something that we are dedicated to doing in order to lay the groundwork for a future that is robust, empowered, and conscious. In addition, we are dedicated to the development of adaptability in our organizations.

Yoga cat pose depiction
Yoga mountain pose depiction
Yoga cobra pose depiction
kids yoga
Yoga & Meditation
Online Yoga program
Yoga swan pose depiction
Yoga tree pose depiction

Program details

An individual's formative education will serve as a solid foundation for their future endeavors. The same holds true for yoga training and education. The innate intelligence of children enables them to comprehend and adjust to Yoga considerably more rapidly. Promoting the practice of yoga during childhood can facilitate the development of robust, well-rounded, and accountable young individuals who are equipped to confront the complexities of existence.By engaging in Yoga exercises, children can develop an understanding of their personal strengths and unlock latent capabilities.Children spanning from five to thirteen years of age are welcome to enroll in our Kids Yoga classes. Children are encouraged to engage in regular yoga practice, thereby incorporating it into their lifestyle.

Kids Yoga Regular clasess

Personalized attention for the children will be guaranteed through the use of a traditional one-on-one approach in this course. Physical capabilities will inform the way in which children are instructed.Practitioners of Kids Yoga who hold certifications from Yoga Alliance International will instruct the course.Online access to these courses is also provided at our centers.

Nishá¹­ha - Transform Your Child For The Better

We have come to the realization that individuals frequently equate "achieving" challenging Yoga poses with perfection, when in fact these poses were not intended for children of that age. Misconceptions that are circulating must be confronted, as engaging in such practices without proper guidance can ultimately lead to health risks.This prompted the development of the "Nishá¹­ha Kids Yoga Program." As its name implies, Nishá¹­ha is demonstrating how the incorporation of Yoga into one's life regimen contributes to the cultivation of discipline.We have devised a comprehensive eight-month curriculum to instill in our young superstars a disciplined practice-based program that thoroughly drills them into the fundamental principles and intentions of Yoga. We possess a high degree of assurance that this will establish a solid foundation for their future development as Yoga practitioners, preventing them from being misled by the incorrect techniques that their novice sensibilities inadvertently encounter. Better physical and mental health would result from participation in such a program, leading to increased academic achievement and a more disciplined, morally upright disposition.With Yoga receiving global acclaim, our objective is to foster a lineage of youthful, dynamic, and above all, knowledgeable Yoga practitioners who will serve as an inspiration to subsequent generations.Incorporating a distinctive line drawing technique that is tailored to each of the asanas in this program will enhance the children's engagement, facilitate their mastery of the methods, and inspire them to confidently execute the tasks.Designed with a progressive approach to ensure that children acquire knowledge and comprehension of Yoga in an entertaining and educational setting. Appropriately guided instruction is implemented to maintain their interest in learning.

Course duration and sustainability

The Nishá¹­ha program is structured into three distinct levels, with each level lasting for a duration of eight months. For children's yoga, we have developed a one-of-a-kind curriculum comprised of five exclusive textbooks published in our "Path of Harmony" series.Each of the program's three tiers maintains an eight-month duration. 

Suitability and Considerations for this Course

The course is suitable for all children between the age of 5 and 13 years.

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